Last year, I shared my Field Trip to Petrified Forest National Park by Car. Last month, I went back for a trip on foot! You can see the Field Trip video below, with lots of photos and video from my day at the park. In the video, I mention my favorite photo from the day – you can see it below! VIPs, make sure you also log in to see a 30-minute behind-the-scenes video from the day!

This photo was taken in the Blue Mesa area of the park. The area is absolutely other-worldly, with undulating grey-blue mesas. They appear to pop up from nowhere in this vast park! It’s difficult to choose a favorite part of the park or a favorite photo from the day, but this area always stands out to me as being so utterly different from the rest of the desert around it. So, today, from this trip, this is my favorite photo!

VIPs, log in to see your behind-the-scenes video! I talk to you from the car ride to the park, at the park, on the hikes, in between the hikes, and on the way home – all day long I’m sharing the surroundings and my thoughts.
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The rest of this article is available to SnapChick VIP Members only.