There are lots of choices when it comes to studio lighting. I took you on a tour of several different types of lights and show you lots of example photos with each type in this video. I’ve already done videos specifically for Speedlights and Continuous Fluorescent Lights. Now it’s time for Strobes! This video includes information on the advantages and disadvantages of strobe lights, plus tons of example photos!
VIPs, you can log in to see the gallery of images from the shoot I did specifically for this video. You’ll also find this week’s VIP Show when you log in! In this week’s show, Raymond and I talk in-depth about the photo shoot – camera setups, lighting setups, plus settings! We also discuss the videos that Raymond did for me last week and some video ideas he has for the future! Somewhere in the middle, we end up having a philosophical discussion about “the rules of photography.”
For everyone else, here’s an example photo from my most recent studio shoot with the strobes, plus some camera settings, and, of course, the video about strobe lights!

Technical Specifications:
Nikon D600 + 85mm f/1.8
Aperture- f/5.6
Shutter Speed- 1/200
ISO- 200
VIPs, log in to see the show and to see the gallery of images!
The rest of this article is available to SnapChick VIP Members only.