This week was heavy on the outdoor photo fun!
I posted a Facebook gallery of some photos from my trip to Zion National Park in Utah. This week, my Field Trip to Zion National Park went up, and then I shared behind-the-scenes Zion Field Trip footage in another video on my VLOG channel.
I visited the Grand Canyon for a day over the weekend, so I posted some photos and a VLOG from there.
I also shared SnapChick’s Motion Portrait Potion! I demonstrated how to capture better portraits using motion. Illustrated that video with photos I took in the forest! Plus, when VIPs log into the post, they can see a gallery of images from the shoot and a behind-the-scenes video.
The SnapChick Friday Morning Rewind this week was from a video and photo shoot where I used dramatic and creative shadows!
Nikon had a some big news this week… First, the D4s was announced (Nikon’s flagship DSLR) and they issued a service advisory – they are offering a shutter replacement for any D600 due to the dust issue.
You can follow me on Facebook to keep up with the happenings in SnapChickVille but you can get sneak peek at what I’m working on now in the video below…
Having your subject move while you are shooting can help you capture more natural and relaxed photos. In the video below, I talk about how to instruct your subject, give you tips on what to do as the photographer, and show you examples from one of my photo shoots! Here are a couple sample photos too…
These photos were both taken with a Nikon D600 and an 85mm f/1.8 prime lens. They were both shot at f/4 and 1/500th. The first image used an ISO of 1250, while the second image used ISO 1000.
I talked about a couple of my previous videos in this video. You can find them here… Capturing an Iconic Look & My Spooky Valentine and Creating a Backstory
VIPs, log in to see the entire gallery of images, plus your video where I talk to you before and after the shoot – more about the technical details of the shoot, challenges I encountered, and how I edited the photos!
This week…
In How to Photograph a National Park, I talked about what I do when I visit a national park or other scenic place – from what I bring to what I do when Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate.
I read an interview with Nikon executives, where they talked about the future of the company, which got me to thinking about evolution versus revolution. I posted a video where I talked about that, and how Nikon and Canon should get on the revolution train, here.
I read some other interesting stuff this week, which I shared on Facebook – there are new top-level domains available, which are geared towards photographers, and I got some inside scoop from Olympic photographers in another article.
I added a few new prints to my print store – some were from Zion and some were from New York.
Chick at Nite this week was from a multi-part shoot with Sandra. In the video, I talk to her about the shoot and also show footage of the shoot. is she and I talking a bit about what we were doing but also included some footage of me simply working with her.
The SnapChick Friday Morning Rewind was from a shoot from a few years ago where I used simple equipment – work lights and a t-shirt and jeans!
You can follow me on Facebook to keep up with the happenings in SnapChick Land but you can get sneak peek at what I’m working on – photo shoots, field trips – in the video below…
Here’s what I’ve been up to…
I went to Zion National Park last weekend. I posted a gallery for you!
I added a couple new print store photos at
I get asked often about the “right” gear to buy when getting started with photograph – people want a list to take to their local camera shop. I talk about why that isn’t a good idea in a video.
I posted my official Field Trip to Northern Arizona and Southern Utah!
Valentine’s Day was yesterday! I posted My Spooky Valentine, with photos and a video for everyone where I talk about how creating a backstory for your photo shoots can enhance your images. Plus, there is a gallery of images for VIPs and an exclusive on-the-scene video!
I announced something new for VIPs… the VIP Chalkboard and free ebooks for VIPs!
Chick at Nite was from a video last year where I answered the question, “How do I contact you?”
The SnapChick Friday Morning Rewind was from Valentine’s Day several years ago – it was sultry and romantic!
You can follow me on Facebook to keep up with the me but you can get sneak peek at what I’m working on in the video below…
This Valentine’s Day, I talk about creating a backstory to enhance your photography. Here are a couple examples from my spooky Valentine’s Day shoot, plus some camera settings…

Technical Specifications:
Nikon 1 V1 + 6.7-13mm
Aperture- f/3.5
Shutter Speed- 1/60
ISO- 320

Technical Specifications:
Nikon 1 V1 + 6.7-13mm
Aperture- f/3.5
Shutter Speed- 1/60
ISO- 400

VIPs and Patreon Zion and Grand Canyon Patrons, you can see a behind-the-scenes video shot while on the way and at the ghost town, plus an entire gallery of images! VIPs, log in below to see your exclusive content. Patrons click here!
You can learn more about the VIP program here and my Patreon page here!
UPDATE: In 2015, filmed a reflection on this shoot. You can see it here!
It was First Sunday last weekend! I shared my photos from the park!
I created an online print store using Zenfolio! I showed you how I did and and why I chose Zenfolio in this video. You can find my print store here! If you decide to set up an online portfolio with Zenfolio, be sure to use my offer code so you get 10% off your subscription price! The code is: KQZ-CEU-PGE
I posted a huge Question and Answer video! In fact, it was the biggest Q&A video ever! I got so many great questions that I decided to post an additional Q&A on my BLOG.
VIPs got an update and a huge thank you in an exclusive video.
The SnapChick Friday Morning Rewind was from a few years ago – from a Valentine’s Day shoot!
I posted VLOGs of behind-the-scenes footage from my latest adventure in making a couple Field Trip videos! You can find them here and here.
I posted a bunch of photos on Facebook, including a gallery from South Coyote Buttes in Arizona!
You can follow me on Facebook to keep up with the me but you can get sneak peek at what I’m working on in the video below…
Last night, asked for some questions from you night owls out there. You can find the questions and answers here!
You can use the offer code KQZ-CEU-PGE to receive 10% off your subscription price at Zenfolio! Also, check out my new site – The Art of the Field Trip!