Hi! I definitely owe you guys a FAQ section for both the VIP Program and for the site, BUT I wanted to pass along this recent unsolicited feedback / testimonial from one of my VIP’s!!! 🙂
Hi Leigh,
I have been serious about photography for many years. In fact, I attended the NY Institute of Photography back in 1965, when they still had a brick and mortar school. I was also a working pro for about 2 years.
After serving a stint in the Navy, graduating from college, and getting married, I ended up changing careers, but photography has remained a passion of mine. I consider myself a serious amateur, although I have done several pro shoots over the years. I am also currently the VP of my hometown camera club.
I shot with a Nikon F2 for a long time and I did all of my own B&W darkroom work, as well as some color printing. I finally went digital shortly after the D70 became available, and today, I have a Nikon D7000 as well as a 1/2 dozen lenses, and numerous accessories.
I actually came across snapchick.com by accident, and I enjoyed your videos and photographs so much that I decided to become a VIP member. I think you are an extremely talented and creative photographer, and your intelligence, charm, and beauty are the icing on the cake. Of course, you probably hear that from people everyday!
I believe that ‘you can teach and old dog new tricks’, and I’ve already picked up a few good tips from you. You are definitely a breath of fresh air. Keep up the good work!
I was touched and proud to receive this email!
Questions about the VIP program? Just email me at secrets@snapchick.com
Interested in joining? Check out your options here.